Rabu, 14 September 2016

Archeological Sites Tapurarang – West Papua

Archeological sites Tapurarang Kokas, Fakfak District, West Papua, like the ancient city that holds wonders well as the mystery of the past. There are relics of prehistoric cliffs paintings by local people commonly called Tapurarang. In District of Kokas, the wealth of this heritage since prehistoric times can be found in Andamanta, Fior, Forir, Darembang and Goras.

Archeological Sites Tapurarang – West Papua
Archeological Sites Tapurarang – West Papua

Paintings patterned picture human palms and animals in the cliffs wall has its own uniqueness. Because, though it was centuries old, paintings made with dyes from natural materials are still visible to this day. Red color on the cliffs paintings also resembled the color of human blood. Therefore, local people also often refer to the painting as painting hand stamped blood.

Despite being a tourist area, local people's sacred this place. They believe the paintings there is a manifestation of the people who were condemned by the ghost of an elderly woman who turns into a demon 'kaborbor' or ghost is believed to be the ruler of the ocean's most frightening. The elderly woman died in the disaster that sank the boat she was traveling.

At this location there are also skeletons of human bones believed to be the ancestor or ancestors framework Kokas society. If you are interested in this place, you can start from the terminal Kokas to the Fakfak outside the city using public transportation. Distance Fakfak-Kokas as far as 50km, and can be reached in about 2 hours.

Archeological Sites Tapurarang
Archeological Sites Tapurarang

Arrived at Kokas, the trip still must continue to use long boat about 1 hour. If the sea water was high tide, you can go up to the cliff and watch this painting up close. But if the sea water is receding, the beauty of cliffs paintings can only be enjoyed on the long boat.

Related article : Misool Island

Selasa, 06 September 2016

Misool Island

Many people dub Misool Island as a small kavling paradise with beautiful beaches and the amazing marine park. From west to the east of the islands that runs a series of islands rock. Most islands are scattered in Misool Island is still inhabited. So you can enjoy all its beauty without having to share with many people.

Misool Island
Misool Island

Sea levels of the Misool Island had a turquoise color, so very soothing eye. Charming natural scenery on the island that almost untouched expanse of open sea covers a broad and very clear. White sand stretching along the coast and surrounded by tropical forests trees and gorgeous green mangrove. This refreshing scenery, will obviously captivates those who see it, especially with the beauty contained in marine waters.

Marine water in Misool Island
Marine water in Misool Island

Misool Island is one of the four major islands in the Raja Ampat Islands in West Papua, Indonesia. Its area is 2,034 km². The highest point is 535 m and the main town is Waigama and has the coordinates 1 ° 53'41 "S 130 ° 5'1" E.

Small paradise Misool Island
Small paradise Misool Island

Not only the wealth and natural beauty, this island also has a diversity of cultures and customs of the local people. Historical heritage in the form of paintings on cave walls can also be found in this area.

Paintings on cave walls Misool Island
Paintings on cave walls Misool Island

To reach the Misool Island, you can get through the airport Domne Eduard Osok in Sorong. Then, you can opt to use a boat tour Phinisi. As the islands, the main means of transportation in this area is sea transport.

Related article : Raja Ampat Archipelago (Waigeo Island)

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2016

Raja Ampat Archipelago (Waigeo Island)

Waigeo Island, is the largest island of the four islands in Raja Ampat Archipelago. Namely Bantata island, Salawati Island, Misool island and hundreds of other small islands.

Raja Ampat Archipelago
Raja Ampat Archipelago

Waigeo island located in West Papua at the eastern Indonesia, this island is also known as Amberi or Waigiu. In terms of geography, Waigeo has an area of 3.155 sq km, by having the highest point 1.000 m. The distance between west to east is 110 km, and north to south about 50 km.

Map of Raja Ampat Archipelago
Map of Raja Ampat Archipelago

Waigeo island is a paradise for nature lovers, there are many attractions that you can enjoy while visiting here. Start from nature tourism, culture, until travel history. Tropical marine biodiversity there is the richest in the world currently.

You can enjoy the beauty of white sand and clear sea water. So crystal clear underwater beauty of the island Waigeo you can enjoy with the naked eye without need snorkeling or diving.

Raja Ampat Archipelago (Waigeo Island)
Raja Ampat Archipelago (Waigeo Island)

In the South Waigeo, you can visit Kabui bay with islands Karst, skul cave, and historical sites of Raja Ampat in Kali Raja. In the North Waigeo, there are several places that serve tourist sites ie caves relics of World War II, underwater beauty, and cultural attractions such as traditional dances.

Tourist facilities on the island Waigeo
Tourist facilities on the island Waigeo

Tourist facilities on the island Waigeo are relatively good. There are already some classes resorts regular until of international standard. To reach the island Waigeo you must to Eduard Domne Osok Kota Sorong airport. From there you can continue the trip using a taxi to pier Sorong and then use the ferry are commonly used as a public transport. If you want fast, you can hire a speed boat or long boat with a fairy high rental cost of course. A speed boat or long boat can fit 10 to 15 people.

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2016

Cenderawasih Bay National Park (Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih)

Diving lovers should not miss Cenderawasih Bay National Park (Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih). This area is located in the province of West Papua, or rather is the way Drs. Esau Sesa Sowi, Mount Manokwari, West Papua, Indonesia. This place is the largest marine National Park in Indonesia, 1.453.500 hectares. The underwater beauty has been famous all over the world. There were around 950 species of fish that inhabiting this region, 500 species of coral, at once habitat for whale sharks (Rhincodon Typus).

Cenderawasih Bay National Park (Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih)
Cenderawasih Bay National Park (Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih)

You can find four species of sea turtles are becoming scarcer, namely hawksbill, green sea turtle, olive ridley turtles and leatherback turtles. Even if you are lucky you can watch mermaids (dugong), blue whales, coconut crabs, dolphins, and sharks often appearing on the sea surface Cenderawasih National Park.

Maps of Cenderawasih Bay National Park
Maps of Cenderawasih Bay National Park

National parks cenderawasih bay not only keep the charm of the enchanting marine tourism. In this area there are also natural caves primeval, hot springs containing sulfur without salt levels on the Island Misowaar, and caves in the water on Cape Mangguar.

Underwater Beauty of Cenderawasih Bay National Park
Underwater Beauty of Cenderawasih Bay National Park

A relic of the 18th century can still be found in some places, such as Wandesi, Wasior, and Yomber. Christians many who visit the church in the Village Yende (Roon Island), only to see the holy book was published in 1898.

To reach Cenderawasih Bay National Park you can use two pathways, namely Nabire and Manokwari. From Nabire, you can go to the City District Ransiki by car approximately three hours and continued with a motor boat for about 2.5 hours to arrive at the location. Whereas from Manokwari to the National Park (Rumberpon Island), you can use the longboat and takes about 5.5 hours.